“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.”
-Ralph Waldo
So many are interested in it, but very few have taken the time to learn and practice this wonderful way of being.
Our day to day lives if not paid attention to, will have us so busy that we are unable to unstick ourselves from being stuck on a constant hamster wheel.
Time is a commodity that once depleted it will not regenerate. Time keeps moving and waits for no one. Once you lose it, it’s gone forever and, in some cases, we didn’t accomplish anything during that time we were wasting on unimportant, nonproductive things.
If you find yourself saying the following, you are on that wheel and should begin a mindfulness journey:
“Exercise? I don’t have time for that, I know I need to, but I have to make money, I have bills.”
“Eating healthy costs too much and takes too much time, I’ll just have a burger and not the fries and a diet drink. That’s all I have to do.”
“I have kids, they keep me busy, and time is not on my side”
“My husband has so much on his plate he won’t be able to keep up with this and without the whole family being on board, it won’t work.”
“I don’t have time for a quiet moment, I have a household to run, work to do, homework to check, cleaning to do, “me time” is out the window. I’m used to it though, it’s fine.”
We all should strive for a peaceful life full of fulfillment, love, organization, happiness, satisfying relationships, positive energy and the like. Peace and well-being in our lives is something we should attain, and I think it’s worth fighting for.
“Set peace of mind as your highest goal and organize your life around it.” – Brian Tracy
There’s plenty more of those lines to go around, surely. We all are guilty of this, and it is a serious problem when we as humans are okay with being super busy to the point that we neglect our well-being.
Yes, we must press on in this game of life, but if our mental and physical health is not in check, eventually that neglect will catch up to all of us.
So, what do we do?
Learn to practice Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a form of self-care. By being aware of not only your thoughts, but your feelings, your surroundings and every moment of your life and not being judgmental in any way can bring a sense of peace to you.
So, in summary, taking time to assess yourself and make the necessary changes will in turn help you to assess your life and the changes you need to make to become more mindful in your day-to-day life. Mindful of your actions, your thought process, your choice of words and so on.
So, what do we at Owner & Co. recommend as a starting point? Making a pledge/promise to yourself. What is it? On this blog, there is a category called “the promise” there, you will find the pledge that we recommend you take first.
Once you take this pledge, start a gratitude journal. Write in it daily.
Preferably in the morning after waking up a little earlier that normal to make time for this before continuing with your daily routine.
However, some write in their journal once their day has ended. That works too.
Be sure to include gratitude for even the little things, never take the little things for granted.
We will discuss additional steps to practicing mindfulness in future posts so stay tuned.
Let us know what you think of the pledge and starting a gratitude journal, we’d love to know.
To your mindfulness journey,
Owner & Co.